Dear Parents/Carers,
The summer term is rapidly approaching and it will soon be time for the swimming sessions for the children to start again - these take place regularly during the second half of term.
The children enjoy using the pool enormously; they get so much from it and we are incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful resource on our doorstep. However, as I'm sure you are aware, the pool is very expensive to maintain and can only remain open if the running costs are met. This year we have calculated that the sum needed will be approximately £3000. This means, inevitably, more fundraising!
We are planning to hold some events during the next few months which we hope will be fun for children and their families alike, but we are open to any ideas which you have (as well as offers of help!). If you are interested we would love to hear from you. We realise that people are busy and sometimes it seems that there are endless fundraising requests but the situation is somewhat desperate and we would be very grateful for your support.
In the meantime a container has been placeed in the entrance hall and we are hoping that you might put any spare coppers into it as you're passing. Any amount would be really appreciate as it will all make a difference and it would be fantastic to reach our target.
Thank you very much in anticipation of your support.
The Swimming Pool Fundraising Committee
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