Monday, 20 May 2013

AGM - 8pm Wednesday 5 June

The AGM of Friends of Northleach Swimming Pool will take place at 8pm, Wednesday 5 June 2013, in the Westwoods Centre.

Many hands make light work, as they say. Please help us keep the pool running for another year!

This is the meeting where the Officers get elected for the next 12 months. Claire and I are happy to continue volunteering for the pool, but we need one other person to join the committee, either as Chair, or Secretary, depending on where their skills lie. Don’t worry, we won’t drop newcomers in at the deep end!

It's odd but I remember saying that last year...

Agenda as follows:

1. Acceptance of minutes
2. Report on 2012 season
3. Election of Officers
4. Pool equipment update
5. Fundraising for 2013
6. AOB

Pauline Rigby, Secretary