Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Our fundraising campaign for the new boiler has been featured in the local papers, and the articles can be read online. The Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard went with the headline Please help to save town pool, and the Gloucestershire Echo with Fundraisers take plunge for pool. Great articles!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

May Marathon Madness

On Friday 20th May 2011, the school will be runnning a marathon, raising money towards a new boiler for the swimming pool! Pairs of classes will be running a marathon distance between them (26.2 miles!) The pairs will be: Classes 1 & 6, 2 & 5 and 3 & 4! They will be running, walking, skipping, hopping, cycling and other crazy way they can think of. Each pair of classes will decide how to work together to cover the distance. It will take place during the whole day and will be run across the fields and both playgrounds. In total, the school will do three marathons!!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Time to dust off your dancing shoes

The Friends are holding a Zumba dance evening with Nigel May of La Tempesta on 17 June. It's a great opportunity to try the latest fitness craze, and promises to be great fun. Suitable for all ages. Everyone welcome!

Call 01451 861338 for tickets.

Monday, 2 May 2011

A huge thank you to Northleach Club

Here's an excerpt from a letter from Alf Worsfold, a director of Northleach Club Ltd., the company that runs the Pavilion.

On behalf of Northleach Club Limited I have great pleasure in advising you that we will make a donation of £1,000 to your fund raising to assist with the purchase of a new boiler. With it go our very best wishes to all the team who are working so hard to preserve a valuable community asset, just as we did some 2 years ago when we first started our efforts to resurrect the sports and social club. (I have been caught twice by your collectors so far - once in the wine bar and then by Marge my neighbour in Crail View - keep up the good work !!)

Woo hoo! What a tremendous boost to our fundraising efforts. Thank you Northleach Club Ltd.